PackagesEURPLNExpo standRegistrationsBenefits
Bronze package4502000No11
Silver package9004000Yes21
Gold package18008000Yes21,2,3,4
Platinum package270012000Yes41,2,3,4,5,6*
Welcome reception sponsor15007000Yes21,2,3,4
Coffee breaks sponsor20009000Yes31,2,3,4,5
Lunch sponsor240011000Yes41,2,3,4,5


  1. Promotional materials in conference bag (one light item, booklet etc.)
  2. Rollup in conference room (Gold, Platinum) and at lunch/coffee/reception (respectively)
  3. Information on conference www and on screen (welcome,  lunch and coffee breaks)
  4. Verbal acknowledgements during welcome notes and at the end of conference
  5. Logo on conference bag
  6. Product presentation 10 min (under consideration, to be discussed)


If you are interested in sponsorship packages or other forms of promotion, please contact us at: or phone +48 537 339 566

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